Florin Cojocaru
4 min readMar 18, 2022

What happens when it happens? Crypto time is coming

In a world driven by innovation and oriented towards evolution, in a late February day, once again, it has been shown to us, that we need to prepare even for the least possible or plausible scenarios. In times when wars can be fought in cyber, pandemic, economic manner, unexpectedly, from one day to another, we went back to martial laws and wars paid with lives. Witness of the war, on bombing sounds, the entire world has discovered, once again, that even the 0,001% exceptions can easily become reality. In war times, the crypto actives proven to be the safest and most flexible investment; crypto has shown once again, even to the disbelievers, that, indeed, the crypto investments always belong to the holder, independent of the times lived. In extreme situations, the war being just one of them, the banks can freeze the accounts, seen by the most as a safe investment or as deposits for emergency situations, without taking into consideration the willing or needs of the true holder, which actually happened soon after the war started, in both countries involved; European people’s interest for such bank deposits has decreased by 75% since the conflict started. Real estate was considered as well as another safe investment. Why am I speaking at past tense? The war has shown that, in such cases, there is no way in which we could move or protect our real estate investments. Moreover, in Romania, being at the border of the war and in Eastern Europe, the interest for property investment has decreased by over 80% and internationally by close to 35%, for self-evident reasons. Therefore, we are living times in which the traditional investments have lost popularity and have become, overnight, redundant. The number of those considering to move their investments in crypto actives has increased among the population and even among the big investors for 2 main reasons, recently highlighted: the hyperinflation which will follow the war and will spread along several years and the possibility of having an ongoing source of revenue, independent of the time and space, offered by crypto through APRs (staking and/ or farms – see below EGLD which has multiple such benefits for their holders). Personally, I would also add the blockchain evolution and security, the wallet control, easy administration through ledgers, anytime, anywhere in the world. It is self explanatory why crypto, mainly Bitcoin, has become lately an extraordinary refugee for wealth and investment stocking, proving along the time an impressive efficiency. Regarding crypto benefits, below data should also be considered as a concrete case study:

Traditional bank deposits (saving accounts):

Ø EURO – annual interest of 0,15%, meaning that, for a deposit of 1000 EURO, for a period of 18 months, there will be a profit of 2,25 EURO;

Crypto investments – reference date 18th of October 2020, 18 months ago:

Ø Bitcoin – BTC price at 18 Oct 20: 10279 euro, which means that, with the amount of 1000 euro, would have been bought 0,09728 BTC, having today the value of 3628 euro, resulting in a profit of 2628 EURO;

Ø Elrond – EGLD value at 18 Oct 20 6.78 euro, which means that, with the amount of 1000 euro, would have been bought 147,49 EGLD having today a value of 21961 euro, resulting in a profit of 20961 EURO; Besides this growth, it has to be mentioned the fact the Elrond Network provides the possibility to have an additional annual profit either through direct staking in wallet (Maiar app, the safest, easiest and most popular for EGLD deposit) with an annual profit of 13%, or through farming on Maiar.Exchange dex where the APR is even more attractive – if we would create a farm of 1000 euro (50% EGLD, 50% Ride) we would have an APR of ~100%; please consider a self documentation regarding farms risks and benefits!

What happens when it happens? We hope, he learn, we evolve. In war times, crypto proved to be the fastest, safest, most efficient way of financial trading – Ukrainian government already holds 2 crypto wallets where more than 100M $ have been received, from individuals and firms, and which has an important impact on supporting the military; the country has already begun working on crypto legislation.

Personally, I consider that this is just the beginning of the road and of the success that crypto will soon have. Also personally and, why not, professionally, even if Bitcoin currently represents the crypto standard and, as much as possible, a safe investment, I would choose at any time investing in a relatively new, strong project such as Elrond for its opportunity to have a considerable higher profit.

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