Florin Cojocaru
5 min readOct 25, 2020

How to make 1 million dollars by investing in a project

Many would say that this article should start with “Once upon a time…” as I would have also said in the beginning of 2020. Now, in return, I say that it can be differently, even with a Romanian project, so I will start it as follows: how to make 1 million $ with a Romanian project or what happens when, after 3–4 years you catch trade’s dynamic, but not that big strike, you’re around the same amount with which you’ve started for long&best invest and, moreover, the pandemic happens and breaks everything down, without exception- the stock market decreases with 50%-60%, Bitcoin goes down from 10K $ to 5K $, and everything you receive in exchange is time… You inform yourself, you adapt, you evolve.

In early March 2020 I have randomly discovered Elrond through the search of new coins for trade on Binance, one of the biggest crypto platforms worldwide. Initially, what made me go into more details with the coin was the small price and the big transactions volume, propitious for a fast win. As I always do before any trade decision, I have looked for information about the coins and I was surprised to discover that it is a Romanian project. Frankly speaking, yes, Romania has ones of the best people in IT, artificial intelligence and everything that means digital or analytics worldwide however, in the first instance, admit it or not, one’s thoughts go to a scam. So, before analyzing the coin, I have studied the team and it was the first positive impact- everything that means Elrond team is part of the second category of Romanians, the one at which we are thinking after: Olympics, people awarded on AI, with high expertise on many other projects related to this area, but also on tech, digital, analytics, marketing, info and, the most important, highly valued people fully dedicated to the project basically, the recipe for success.

What have I discovered about Elrond and played the main role in my decision to make my first long term investment?

  • Partners: I have discovered on their partnerships list top companies such as Samsung, Binance, Electric Capital, Netopia Payments, Smartbill and many other names known both for their success and for theirs partnerships one, companies with strict rules regarding their partners selection.
  • Network: it is more than clear that, everything that means Elrond/ EGLD does not confine to the coin, but to an entire ecosystem capable of transferring with a speed of 16.200 transactions per second compared to Bitcoin’s speed of 5–7 TPS or ETH with 13–15 TPS; The adaptability and the development possibilities of their system are unlimited and, surely, unexpected if we take into consideration the simple fact that the network itself is unique, innovative, a novelty of technology and support.
  • Costs: a big advantage is represented by the low costs, even if we are referring to the digital market or to the monetary one, which is of 1000x lower than the least commissioning rate.
  • Maiar: the revolutionary application which follows to be launched until the end of the year, an improved version of a digital home banking from another league which will allow you make direct staking on the app, without being impacted by inflation, moreover with a reward within 8%-29% per year and which, among others, allows worldwide transfer, instantly and at costs as low as mentioned above. Given all the benefits incorporated, personally, I expect Maiar to surpass by in a flash 10 Million users.
  • Innovation: the innovation, the adaptability, the centricity of the entire ecosystem on the end user and his needs is another plus point; For example, Elrond/ EGLD has already partnerships with companies which covers our normal, day to day needs, to whom we can pay directly with EGOLD- Travala, site and app for different travel services.

And the list can go on and on with many other points which, even since the beginning, managed to draw the attention not only of the crypto community, but of the entire globe. It is a certainty the fact that the project will have in the following months an amazing growth, supported among others by the future partnerships with top companies. Out of the 7 billion people how many of us will be interested in having the coin? For sure more than 20.202.000 which is the number of the existing coins.

As a last point I would like to highlight the fact that, besides the financial benefit, the investment in EGLD educate me to recognize the normality of the market fluctuations, to understand the fact that an important gain does not come from a trade to another but from an investment and a full commitment, and that the stability, the growth, the sustainability build up in time.

Do you have the patience to make 1 million $? I had for more…

The buying price of an ERD on 13th of April 2020, before denomination – 0.00085 Usd or the equivalent of 0.85 EGLD

How my wallet looked and valued in May 2020, below

How much it values today, below

How much it values today, 7.01.2021

The evolution so far?

Useful links below:

Brand Minds — EGLD Grow Minds Beniamin Mincu

ELROND NETWORK- Next Generation Blockchain

ELROND MAIAR- Next Generation Blockchain Architecture

Elrond much better than Bitcoin?